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Through a well-balanced mix of technical papers, easy-to-understand articles about technological trends, and case studies, NEC Technical Journal introduces its readers to all the latest technologies, products, and solutions from the NEC Group. Please note that it is not available in a print format.

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Trending papers from our past issues

In this issue, we introduce our suite NEC Open Networks, efforts to open networks, research and development for Beyond 5G/6G, and reduction of energy consumption in network operations in order to contribute to carbon neutrality.

Vol.17 No.1
Special Issue on Open Network Technologies

To accelerate DX, this special issue summarizes our DX efforts to date as best practices, and introduces our DX offerings that solve customers' DX issues quickly and high quality.

Vol.16 No.2
Special Issue on DX Offerings to Accelerate the Digital Transformation of Society

This special issue will describe our vision for NEC's space system business, our roadmap to its achievement, and details of the activities and programs that will lead us to our destination.

Vol.6 No.1
Special Issue on Space Systems

Latest issue

Vol.17 No.2 (June 2024)
Special Issue on Revolutionizing Business Practices with Generative AI

This special feature broadly introduces NEC's generative AI technology solutions. It includes improvements to the core technology of generative AI, the development of associated technologies, advanced application technologies such as the automation of video analysis tasks, and the development of rules and risk management methods that conform to global standards.

Featured articles

Featured articles related to Productivity Improvement

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, productivity is one of the key management factors that contributes to a company’s competitiveness and growth. To achieve higher levels of productivity, there is a growing need for innovative work methods and processes, including the digitization of business through the incorporation of digital transformation and artificial intelligence. The following articles introduce technologies and solutions that are developed by NEC to improve productivity.

Most popular articles

We introduce the top 10 most read articles.

Web Journal

On this page of the NEC Technical Journal site, we will introduce a quick and timely articles and research papers.

Recommended articles by year

Even with the constant progress of technology, numerous articles from the past still receive attention. Here, we introduce 10 articles per year that receive the most attention.

The History of NEC Technical Journal

The story of the NEC Technical Journal dates back to May 1902 when, shortly after NEC was founded, we published the first edition of its forebear, a monthly PR magazine entitled Nippon Denki Geppo (Nippon Electric Monthly).

Looking Back at NEC's History

Here you can explore the history and achievements of NEC through articles that dig through past issues of NEC Technical Journal while focusing on themes that are relevant today.

Download digital book (EPUB)

The NEC Technical Journal is available in EPUB format. Each issue of the journal is released as a single EPUB file.It is suitable for reading with your smartphone or tablet.

NEC's Technologies to Fulfill our Five Social Visions

In this section we take a look at the technologies deployed to bring amazing ideas to life based on our five visions for the future of society. These are introduced through feature articles and papers in NEC Technical Journal.

Explore our back issues by purpose

The website has a navigation function enabling a more detailed search for papers you want to read. Pages that are relevant to the purpose of your search will be introduced.

Inquiries: Corporate Design Department, NEC Corporation