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Message from the President and CEO

In our more than 120 years of history, NEC has nurtured world-class technologies and the capabilities to implement those technologies. In 2005, NEC became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, a global initiative aimed at sustainable growth for society and companies, and has since been building its sustainability management foundation based on the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles pertaining to the fields of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

We have a responsibility to transform these strengths into the concrete values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency from the standpoint of the consumer, and continuously deliver these values to society---To fulfill this Purpose of NEC, we endeavor to connect digital technologies and human hopes, and to implement a vision of a brighter future world. This is in line with our commitment to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by strengthening our engagement with all other stakeholders.

Takayuki Morita President and CEO

Value Creation Process

We are now promoting corporate activities based on the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact pertaining to the four fields of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption, which align with “uncompromising integrity and respect for human rights,” one of the Principles of the NEC Way.
Moreover, each and every member of the NEC Group, from officers to employees, performs their day-to-day activities based on the NEC Group Code of Conduct.
Furthermore, the SDGs pledge that “no one will be left behind” is aligned with the NEC Purpose, to “promote a more sustainable world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential.”
Information and communications technology (ICT) has the potential for responding to a variety of issues. Therefore, we believe that we can contribute significantly to all of the targets set out in the SDGs by drawing on our leading-edge technologies in such fields as AI (biometrics, etc.) and 5G, as well as our competence in R&D and implementation as we engage in dialogue and co-creation with a range of stakeholders

NEC 2030VISION and Areas of Contribution (Fiscal 2022 and Onward)
We believe that by working to fulfill the NEC 2030VISION, we can contribute to the achievement of the following SDGs in particular.
We take hints from the SDGs to point out the issues and challenges facing society and use the SDGs as a guide when setting targets for creating social value—which we aim to do through our business—and also for managing progress.

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