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Biometrics Interview Series: Face to Face with ASEAN [2:40]

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Biometrics Interview Series: Face to Face with ASEAN

Biometrics is becoming more accessible for everyone.
Encapsulated in the concept of Transformation Through Trust.

ASEAN, a highly competitive region, boasts a diverse mix of economies that are fully integrated into the global marketplace, making it an attractive destination for businesses.
In a Frost and Sullivan report, NEC has been named a global leader for its biometrics capabilities and future-facing thinking.
Let's see how its technologies are transforming businesses and enriching people's lives in the ASEAN region.

What is the biometrics business in the ASEAN region?

The future of biometrics in the ASEAN region is promising.
The trend towards multimodal biometrics is gaining momentum with the integration of various modalities such as fingerprint, face recognition, and iris scans.

We implemented our biometric solution in a retail shop to enable their customers to purchase by the most secure key, your own face.
They don't need to bring any cash or credit cards for their payment.

What is NEC's key differentiator in biometrics?

Our key strengths include technological expertise with NEC having a rich history of innovation in AI, biometrics, and identity management.
In terms of experience, NEC has successfully executed various government projects such as National ID programs, border control solutions, and law enforcement projects in different countries.

Our global track record ensures that biometrics is inclusive and unbiased.

Our commitment to data privacy and compliance with regulatory standards is a significant differentiator.

What are you most excited about for the future of biometrics?

Biometrics contribute to realising a sustainable future for people, society, and the environment.

We can play a pivotal role in supporting our customers' sustainable journey and digital transformation.

We are excited about the growing integration of biometrics in the Internet of Things ecosystem.

NEC's enduring quality is encapsulated in the concept of Transformation Through Trust.
This differentiation is evident not only in our biometrics business, but across all sectors.
We'll continue to set NEC apart in the future as a trusted transformation partner.

Orchestrating a brighter world


In a Frost and Sullivan report, NEC has been named a global leader for its biometrics capabilities and future-facing thinking. Let's see how its technologies are transforming businesses and enriching people's lives in the ASEAN region!

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(May 17, 2024)