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Enterprise Service Bus : SOA service integration infrastructure

WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus Overviews

Enterprise information systems have dramatically changed and progressed. Management environment has largely changed by corporation merger, internal control and regulatory compliance control for personal information protection. New business is launched because of tough competition. New system to support decision making is constructed. Systems are improved in existing business to increase profit. As a result, various systems exist in silos of different departments that are operated and managed separately.

Such situation cause not only increased overall system maintenance cost but also diminished enterprise management efficiency. Enterprise information systems require "highly adaptable" and "highly flexible" system architecture and implementation.

Information systems are becoming more and more complex by the day. On the other hand, there is a strong demand for low-cost and quick system development. This demand can be satisfied by utilizing the existing systems as well as the Web services and Web API's that are available to the public, by minimizing newly developed part, and by the proper combination of the elements above. To achieve this, SOA and its underlying middleware are necessary.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is focused from such demand. And Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is the SOA integration technology that provides a unified architecture for high reusability.

WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) virtualizes every system, resource, and application as services and controls these services, communication protocols, and message formats used for exchanging information among the services, while also managing sequences for executing multiple services.

Example of system mediation using ESB
Example of system mediation using ESB

WebOTX ESB features

WebOTX ESB has the following features.

  • Continuing to utilize designed resources as is
    WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus complies with Java Business Integration (JBI) 1.0, the Java system integration standard. JBI will be built into Java EE 6 or later. In other words, WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus provides the advanced technology necessary to set up systems capable of using future Java EE versions.

    Therefore, WebOTX ESB has benefit of standard based implementation that the functionality of WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus can be enhanced by incorporating open source software and third party software products.

  • Mediating communication among various services with superior performance
    WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus can access services by way of the eight communication protocols SOAP, HTTP, FTP, JMS, JCA, RMI, CORBA, and JDBC, as well as files, thereby it can translate from one communication protocol to the other one used by services to interoperate services using different protocols.

  • Efficient mediation of existing services
    WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus can use two message transform methods namely XSLT and a built-in Java application at the same time leading to messages among services being compatible and it flexibly handles these messages in various formats. One can choose either CHDL (ContentHandler Description Language) which utilizes proprietary NEC technology, or Apache Xalan as the XSLT processor. CHDL provides three times (*) the transform performance of the conventional Xalan.

    * Result of comparative testing by NEC

Improving performance by three times that of the conventional technologies by using the high-speed XML analysis and conversion technologies provided by NEC
Improving performance by three times that of the conventional technologies by using the high-speed XML analysis and conversion technologies provided by NEC

  • Ensuring high reliability by using XA transactions
    When the communication protocol used by services mediated by ESB is JMS, 2-phase commit (JTA transaction control+) processing by XA transactions is supported regardless of the JMS provider vendors. This ensures the consistency and high reliability of the JMS messages transferred by way of ESB.

  • Improving development efficiency by using the graphical development support tool
    WebOTX Developer provides development functions necessary to use WebOTX ESB, such as service virtualization, sequence design in a graphical environment, and implementation of XSLT and Java applications for message transform.

  • All information can be effectively managed by using only WebOTX Administrator
    By using the WebOTX integrated administration tool, WebOTX ESB can be easily used in a graphical environment to manage all the life cycles, collect statistical information, and change various ESB settings.

  • Stable 24-hour services
    By combining WebOTX ESB and WebOTX Application Server Foundation/Standard/Enterprise, ESB can be run as multiple processes on a TP monitor, which is a highly reliable infrastructure. This improves the reliability and availability of ESB and achieves stable performance for a mission-critical system.

Reliability / Availability

Improved system integration availability by enhancement of path controlNEW

Advanced path control enables easy switching of load balancing and integration target. When failure occurs in part of integrated system, failure path is partly disabled and switched to alternate system. As a result, service is continued and availability is improved. As well, message distribution to multiple services previously using load balancer by load balancing can be realized by only WebOTX ESB. Service addition can be done dynamically, in addition, by function (slow start) to gradually increase processing message number of newly added path, new service is securely added avoiding heavy load immediately after start.

Failure localization by multiple Java VMNEW

When WebOTX ESB is combined with WebOTX Application Server Foundation / Standard / Enterprise, ESB can be operated in multiple process on TP monitor, which is the high availability platform. This improves reliability/availability of ESB, and brings out stable performance in mission critical area system.

Failure localization of multiple Java VM
Failure localization of multiple Java VM

Stable message forwarding by priority controlNEW

Sets up priority per integration target, and can preferentially do routing on important message. By controlling received message flow per integration target, delayed message delivery from heavy load can be prevented.


WebOTX Developer (SA editor)

WebOTX Developer provides the SA editor as a WebOTX ESB development environment.

By using the SA editor's Eclipse-based GUI, system mediation can be easily designed by combining ESB functions.

WebOTX Developer provides an editor for setting up communication functions and components and manages settings as parts. A message switching path of system mediation is defined by combining parts of multiple communication functions and components. In the sequencer flow design window, a processing procedure can be easily defined by arranging parts in a GUI window and defining a call sequence.

Information designed by using the GUI is output in the service assembly format and put in an execution environment.

Flow control design using an Eclipse-based tool
Flow control design using an Eclipse-based tool

Component administration function

WebOTX Administrator provides functions for managing and monitoring the WebOTX ESB communication functions and components. Necessary information such as statistical information and event information can be displayed in an easy-to-understand manner in a GUI-based management window.

WebOTX ESB management using the WebOTX integrated administration tool
WebOTX ESB management using the WebOTX integrated administration tool


Message transform speed-upNEW

WebOTX is a core product in platform business system, and is required high execution processing performance. In technical field WebOTX is treating, there are lots of competitive product. WebOTX has to evolve day and night.

In this situation, WebOTX is reviewed internal structure and realized absolute performance improvement. WebOTX Enterprise Service Bus was also reviewed, and realized high speed of message transform processing inside of service bus. For message transform in ESB, XML data is utilized. As well, in case of “Web service” increasingly used as SOA realization technology, XML style data is based on processing demand. Improvement of XML data analysis processing performance has been a big challenge, but performance can be improved by this feature.


Efficient security management by integration with authentication platformNEW

WebOTX ESB can judge access possibility according to setting of external authentication platform. Integration of security management to authentication platform enables efficient management such as approval judgment of service execution.

Salesforce Integration FunctionNEW

Enables integration with Force.com provided by salesforce.com, Inc.

Enables search processing to utilize data on Salesforce from internal system, update processing of data on Salesforce from internal system. As well, you can receive outbound messages from Salesforce. By these, real time mutual update between internal (on-premises) data and data on Salesforce is realized.

WebOTX ESB enables integration operation with Salesforce by GUI setting. Coding is not required.

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