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July 27th, 2021
Machine translation is used partially for this article. See the Japanese version for the original article.
This time, we pick out useful Web sites to configure HA clusters on Amazon Web Services (hereinafter called "AWS").
These sites provide AWS basic knowledge and configuration procedures of HA clusters, which will help you configure HA clusters on AWS.
Note: The sites listed below are as of May 20th, 2022.
AWS Sites
In this section, we listed Web sites providing basic knowledge of AWS to configure HA clusters.
AWS Basics
The following are useful knowledge resources of services required for configuring HA clusters in AWS:
- Compute > Amazon EC2
- Storage > Amazon EBS
- Networking & Content Delivery > Amazon VPC
Frequently Asked Questions
About using Floating IP resources
EXPRESSCLUSTRER's Floating IP resources are not available in VPC environments because AWS do not support broadcast packets in a VPC.
Subnets for your VPC
Configuration Guide
The following are EXPRESSCLUSTER configuration guides for AWS:
- Windows > Cloud > Amazon Web Services
- Linux > Cloud > Amazon Web Services
We listed sites where you've actually tried configuring a HA cluster on AWS.
Building an HA Cluster Using AWS Transit Gateway: Accessing AWS Virtual IP Resource from different VPCs (Windows/Linux)
We Tried Building an HA Cluster Using Proxy Server on AWS (Windows/Linux)
Points to Note When Building an HA Cluster with EXPRESSCLUSTER on AWS: AWS Virtual IP Resources
Building an HA Cluster Using AWS Transit Gateway: Multi-Region HA Cluster (Windows/Linux)
We Tried to Build an HA Cluster Using Inter-Region VPC Peering Connection (Windows)
Introducing the Function of EXPRESSCLUSTER: Simplify Backup/Restore
Best Practice Configuration of HA Clusters on AWS (Windows/Linux)
We Have Summarized the Standard Configurations of EXPRESSCLUSTER X on AWS
[2021 Edition] How to Prevent Both-System Activation on AWS (Windows/Linux)
We Tried Building an HA Cluster Using the Multi-Attach Feature of Amazon EBS (Windows/Linux)
Introducing the Function of EXPRESSCLUSTER: AWS DNS Resource
Building an HA Cluster Using AWS Transit Gateway: Accessing AWS Virtual IP Resources from Outside the VPC
We Tried Building an HA Cluster Using VPC endpoint on AWS(Windows/Linux)
We Tried Backing up and Restoring Mirror Disks with an Amazon EBS Snapshot in Amazon Web Services (Windows)
We Tried the Automatic Configuration of an HA Cluster Based on VIP Control by Using CloudFormation (Windows/Linux)
We Tried the Automatic Configuration of an HA Cluster by Using Ansible (Windows)
This time, we have introduced useful sites for configuring an HA cluster on AWS.
We will keep the information updated once we find any other practicable site in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article through to the end.