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Historical Data

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Financal Summary provides useful data to analyze NEC, including financial indicators for the past 3 years as well as information on major shareholders and stock prices. The financial summary can be downloaded as a PDF file.

Charts provide financial data on graphs and tables by fiscal years and quarters.
These charts can be downloaded as an excel or a PDF file.

Annual income statement with graphs.

Income Statements

Income Statements

Annual balance sheets with graphs.

Balance Sheets

Balance Sheets

Annual cash flows with a graph.

Cash Flows

Cash Flows

Annual income statement with graphs.

Business Segment Information

Business Segment

Annual overseas sales and operating income with graphs.

Overseas Sales

Overseas Sales

Annual capital expenditures, depreciation and R&D with graphs.

Capital Expenditures, Depreciation and R&D

Capital Expenditures, Depreciation and R&D

Summary of financial forecasts for fiscal year and forecasts by business segment, etc.

