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NEC “TOMONI” Project

After the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, the NEC Group launched the NEC “TOMONI” Project (Tohoku Reconstruction Volunteer). Sharing in the vision and passion of the residents in the affected regions, all members of the NEC Group have been working with them on reconstruction efforts.
In December 2011, support activities such as debris removal, farmland reconstruction and "Fukko Markets" (outdoor markets) began mainly in Minamisanrikucho, Miyagi Prefecture. In November 2015, NEC signed a reconstruction partnership agreement with Minamisanrikucho.
Besides these activities, NEC has been continuously committed to the reconstruction of Minamisanrikucho through a variety of efforts, including NEC pro bono initiatives to assist the marketing work of the Minamisanrikucho Tourist Association and ICT-based community development. In recognition of these efforts, the mayor of Minamisanrikucho gave NEC a letter of thanks in August 2019.
NEC intends to continue its reconstruction activities in cooperation with municipalities, NPOs and other local stakeholders, while identifying the situation and needs of the affected regions.

Stronger Partnership with Minamisanriku Town
In November, 2015, NEC joined the Miyagi Prefecture Minamisanriku Exchange Project "Minamisanriku Cheering Squad", and signed a reconstruction cooperation agreement with Minamisanriku Town.
We will start new activities including volunteer activities using employees' expertise, and strengthen partnership.
ICT-based community development: "Deployment of digital signage in a new shopping arcade"

Watch volunteer activities of removing debris and "Fukkou Ichi" in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture.
(Link to YouTube website)